Getting started for admin user

If you are looking for how to get started with Emitii, this section of the guide is for you. As an admin, you'll be able to add your colleagues, projects and assign staffs to get started in Emitii.

To start with Emitii you first need to add project. Below are some screenshots that will help you get started with adding project:

  1. Click on the Projects link in the menu bar at top right of the page.
  2. Click on project link
  3. Then click the button Add Project, you will get a small pop up.
  4. Click add project btn
  5. Enter the name of the project you want to create inside the textbox as shown below. And then hit Click Project submit button.
  6. Create project popup
  7. The Project you created can be seen in a table just like below.
  8. Project created

After adding projects you will need to add your colleagues.

  1. So click on the Users link in the menu bar at top right of the page.
  2. Click users link
  3. Fill in with your colleague's full name, valid email address and a username.
  4. Add user
    • If you want to assign your colleague as admin then click the checkbox for Admin as shown below.
    • As an admin, you'll be able to add your colleagues, projects and assign staffs to get started in Emitii.

      Add user admin
  5. Then the added user can be seen in the listing as below.
  6. User listing

Although you have added projects and your colleagues, you will need to assign project to your colleagues.

  1. Visit the Users link from the top right menu bar.
  2. Click users link
  3. Click on Assign Project link for your colleague you want to assign project to.
  4. Click assingn project
  5. Assign your colleague with Lead or Member by checking the checkbox as shown below. And after you are done hit the cross mark on the top right of the pop up block(as shown below).
  6. Assign project for user
  7. After you hit the cross button, the user listing table is updated as below.
  8. Assigned lead member to user

If you have already followed the steps of Assigning Project To Colleagues then you need not to Assign Staff To Project again. After you have followed the steps of Assigning Project To Colleagues, the project's listing table had already been updated.

Already assigned staff to project

However if you want to Assign Staff To Project follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Projects link in the menu bar at top right of the page.
  2. Click on project link
  3. Click on Assign Staff link.
  4. Click assign staff link
  5. To assign lead click on Assigning Lead and then click on particular user you want make the lead.
  6. As a Lead a user can assign staffs, add task and delete the project.

    Assign lead for project
  7. To assign member click on Assigning Member and then click on particular user you want make the member.
  8. As a Member user cannot perform all the actions as lead but can generate report, view assigned staffs.

    Assign member to project
  9. The project listing table will be updated as per your selection.
  10. Updated assing staff

  1. Go to Projects page.
  2. Click on any Project you want to add task to.
  3. Add task click project
  4. Then click on 'Add Task' button
  5. Click on add task
  6. Add the name(s) of task as per shown below.
  7. If you want to add multiple tasks then separate the task names with case. And then hit submit button.

    Add task name

If you come accross something like below, your admin has not assigned you with projects. Please let your admin know about assigning project to you.

Not assigned project

If you have the menu options as below, you can start with tracking your time.

Assigned project
  1. First select the project assigned to you via the dropdown option.
  2. Select project
  3. And then select the tasks added for the project.
  4. Select task
  5. Then enter the title, start timer or mannually add the time. And hit the submit button.
  6. If the task done is non-billable then you can tick the checkbox marking it non-billable. The non-billable time logged can be also made invisible for individual user whom you have added. (check our Daily Report Setting tab)

    Add time track
  7. You can then see the added time track as below. You can edit and update the entered timetrack as well by clicking the pencil mark for edit and trash can for delete. p You can also see the total time you have logged in the calendar (as shown in the screenshot below).
  8. Added timetrack

Daily Reports helps the team to stay updated and also let's your clients know the daily work done by the team. Daily Reports are send to the added users wether existing user or non-existing user. You can also include non billable task logged.

  1. Go to Projects page.
  2. Click on any Project.
  3. Add task click project
  4. Click on Daily Report Setting button.
  5. Click daily report setting
  6. Select users you want to send automatic daily reports. And then hit Add Users
  7. Add existing user
  8. You will then see the user added.
  9. Added user report
  10. And if you want to send to any non-existing user, then click on the Add Custom User button.
  11. Add custom user report
  12. Enter any valid email whom you want to send daily reports to.
  13. For adding multiple emails, separate the emails via a comma ',' shown as below and then click Add button.

    Add custom user
  14. The added emails can be seen in the table below.
  15. Custom user added

Getting started for normal user

If you are looking for how to get started with Emitii, this section of the guide is for you.

If you come accross something like below, your admin has not assigned you with projects. Please let your admin know about assigning project to you.

Not assigned project

If you have the menu options as below, you can start with tracking your time.

Assigned project
  1. First select the project assigned to you via the dropdown option.
  2. Select project
  3. And then select the tasks added for the project.
  4. Select task
  5. Then enter the title, start timer or mannually add the time. And hit the submit button.
  6. If the task done is non-billable then you can tick the checkbox marking it non-billable. The non-billable time logged can be also made invisible for individual user whom you have added. (check our Daily Report Setting tab)

    Add time track
  7. You can then see the added time track as below. You can edit and update the entered timetrack as well by clicking the pencil mark for edit and trash can for delete. p You can also see the total time you have logged in the calendar (as shown in the screenshot below).
  8. Added timetrack

Daily Reports helps the team to stay updated and also let's your clients know the daily work done by the team. Daily Reports are send to the added users wether existing user or non-existing user. You can also include non billable task logged.

  1. Go to Projects page.
  2. Click on any Project.
  3. Add task click project
  4. Click on Daily Report Setting button.
  5. Click daily report setting
  6. Select users you want to send automatic daily reports. And then hit Add Users
  7. Add existing user
  8. You will then see the user added.
  9. Added user report
  10. And if you want to send to any non-existing user, then click on the Add Custom User button.
  11. Add custom user report
  12. Enter any valid email whom you want to send daily reports to.
  13. For adding multiple emails, separate the emails via a comma ',' shown as below and then click Add button.

    Add custom user
  14. The added emails can be seen in the table below.
  15. Custom user added